The largest Brazilian company 100% focused on tourist activities in the destination

Cancellation Policy


The traveler and Easy Travel Shop customer will be able to cancel the purchase free of charge if they choose the letter of credit method, with a period of use of 24 (twenty-four months) from the date of cancellation.

If you opt for a refund, it will be made by retaining 10% (ten percent) of the amount paid by the user of the Easy Travel Shop platform. Retention is made to guarantee reimbursements to suppliers and administrative expenses contained in the operation

Cancellation must be requested via the website and/or application, upon confirmation via email and protocol.

The refund will be made to the user following the deadlines and rules of financial intermediaries and/or credit card operators, as well as the rules of suppliers and products presented at the time of purchase.

Tickets, however, are not subject to refunds, as are cancellations requested within 48 (forty-eight) hours of service provision, whether activity, experience or transfer.

After contacting the user, EasyTravel Shop will request a refund of the value of the product(s) and/or service(s) purchased in written form.

Considering that Easy Travel Shop only mediates products and services offered by third parties, in the event of failure to deliver the product and/or service or cancellation of the offer, EasyTravel Shop may refund users of the offer after analyzing each case. Cases will be communicated through the user service channels, where two refund options will be presented, at the user's sole discretion: refund of the amount paid to purchase the offer or credit for the amount paid for use on the website platform, website (mobile) and application for the period communicated at the time of the User's choice.

The request for a refund of the amount paid will be made immediately by EasyTravel Shop, and after analyzing the failure to deliver the product and/or service, once approved, the deadline for the effective refund of the amount will depend on the payment method adopted and the existing deadlines with financial intermediaries and credit card operators.

If there is no response from the user providing data necessary to return the amounts within 60 (sixty) days, EasyTravel Shop, if activated, will convert these amounts into credits for use on the website platform, website (mobile) and application.

If the user purchases a service and has not used it due to failure to show up at the scheduled time (in the case of a service with mandatory scheduling), without canceling it within 48 (forty-eight) hours before the scheduled date of use, EasyTravel Shop will not refund the product and/or service, as the service provider will no longer sell the reserved space to the absent buyer.