The largest Brazilian company 100% focused on tourist activities in the destination

Terms and Conditions


We are delighted to welcome you to our EasyTravel Shop website or our mobile platforms and properties, including related applications. Our terms and conditions apply directly or indirectly (through distributors) to all of our services made available online , through the website and application on mobile devices, by email or telephone, and may be changed from time to time. By entering, browsing and using our website or any other application through any platform (referred to herein as “EasyTravel Shop” or, generally, as “Platform”), and/or completing a reservation for a tour, establishment or services related to events and trips, you agree to have read and agree to the terms and conditions set out below (including the privacy policy). Hereinafter referred to as "EasyTravel Shop" or simply “ETS”, represents “ETS Viagens e Turismo Ltda.”, a legal entity governed by private law, registered under CNPJ nº 38.170.695/0001-22, a limited liability company constituted under the laws of Brazil, with registered office in São Paulo."Platform" means website platform, website (mobile) and the application where the Travel Service is offered through the EasyTravel Shop. It is owned, controlled, managed and maintained and/or hosted by EasyTravel Shop. "Travel" means Provider's various travel products and services that may be ordered, purchased, purchased, obtained, paid for, rented, offered, reserved, arranged or consumed by you. "Travel Provider" means the professional provider, which may be related to: attraction provider (e.g. (theme) parks, museums, tours), transportation provider (e.g.: car rental, cruises, rail, air, buses, transfers), tour operators, life insurance, accommodation (e.g. hotel, motel, apartment, bed and breakfast) and any other travel-related product or service from time to time made available for the provider's Reservation on the Platform. "Travel Service" means the purchase, order, payment (facilitated) or booking service as offered or made available by EasyTravel Shop in relation to various products and services made available by Travel Providers on the Platform. "Trip Reservation" means the request, purchase, payment that guarantees the reservation of a trip. This Site/Application is offered to you subject to your acceptance without modification of any or all of the terms, conditions and notices set forth below (collectively, the "Agreement"). When you access or use this Site/Application in any way, you agree to be bound by the Agreement and represent that you have read and understand the terms contained therein. Please carefully read the Agreement in force on the date you last browsed, as it contains information about your legal rights and limitations of rights, as well as a section on applicable law and jurisdiction of disputes. If you do not accept all terms and conditions, do not use this Site/Application. In the future, we may change or modify the Agreement in some way, and you understand and agree that continuing to access or use this platform after changes constitute your acceptance of the updated or modified Agreement. We will note the date the last revisions were made to the Agreement at the bottom of the page, and all revisions will be effective upon posting. Please remember to access this page periodically to review the most current version of the Agreement.


Terms of Use of Offers


The User agrees that, in order to be aware of important information relating to their account and maintain communication with the company, the registered email address will be the communication channel used by EasyTravel Shop.




1.1. The services covered by this Terms of Use consist of making available to Users, directly or indirectly registered on its website platform, website (mobile) and application, periodic offers for the purchase of products and/or services from EasyTravel Shop Provider companies at a discount. .


1.2. EasyTravel Shop does not provide the services advertised on its platform, the services and products offered are sold through third-party companies, in exchange for the use of the website platform, website (mobile) and application, responsible for the discounts and services provided through the evaluation system of the beneficiaries.


1.3. EasyTravel Shop's function is to publicize and mediate, through its website platform, website (mobile) and application, the Providers' offers, which will only be published after a careful analysis of the offer approval sector, aiming solely and exclusively at interconnection and exchange of benefits between our travelers and local establishments.


1.4. The terms and conditions of the offers, as well as the provision of services or sale of products are the responsibility of the Provider, with EasyTravel Shop's liability limited to its intermediation . We count on the help of Users to evaluate our Providers and the services sold, so that the level of satisfaction is maintained, as a condition for maintaining the high level of quality in relation to the services provided by them.


1.5. When purchasing a discount, product and/or service through our platform, the User declares to have adhered to the Offer Regulations and to know the conditions of use, payment, receipt and validity period thereof.


1.6. The simple act of sending acquisition or payment data does not necessarily imply the acquisition of the offer, considering the possibility of restriction, due to the checking of related data by a financial intermediary, as well as respecting the rules of the Provider / Advertiser.


1.7. EasyTravel Shop, as it is just an online shopping channel, is not the owner of the products and/or services offered by partners and service providers, does not keep possession of them and does not offer its own products, however, it is available, through its User service channels, to mediate any necessary communication with the Provider and take the necessary measures to resolve any potential inconvenience. We are with you and our commitment is to bring the best comfort and well-being in your leisure search for entertainment.


1.8. In relation to travel offers, EasyTravel Shop is not responsible for any fees that may be charged by the Travel Provider or fees paid directly to airports. However, these fees will always be informed in the offer regulations.




2.1. The User may cancel the purchase at no cost if they choose the letter of credit method, with a period of use of 24 (twenty-four months) from the date of cancellation. If a refund is chosen, it will be made by retaining 10% (ten percent) of the amount paid by the User. The purpose of such retention will be to guarantee reimbursements to suppliers and administrative expenses with the operation. Cancellation must be requested via the website and/or application, upon confirmation via email and protocol.


2.2. The refund will be made to the User following the deadlines and rules of financial intermediaries and/or credit card operators, as well as the rules of suppliers and products presented at the time of purchase. ATTENTION tickets are not refundable.


2.3. There will be no refund if cancellation is requested within 48 (forty-eight) hours of service provision.


2.4. EasyTravel Shop will request, after contact from the User, the refund of the value of the product(s) and/or service(s) purchased in written form.


2.5. Considering that we only intermediate products and services offered by third parties, in the event of failure to deliver the product and/or service or cancellation of the offer, EasyTravel Shop may reimburse Offer Users, after analyzing each case. Such cases will be communicated through the User service channels, where two refund options will be presented, at the User's sole discretion: refund of the amount paid to acquire the Offer or credit for the amount paid for use on the website platform, website (mobile) and application for the period communicated at the time of the User's choice.


2.6. The request for a refund of the amount paid will be made immediately by EasyTravel Shop, and after analyzing the failure to deliver the product and/or service, once approved, the deadline for the effective refund of the amount will depend on the payment method adopted and the existing deadlines with financial intermediaries and credit card operators.


2.7. If there is no response from the User providing data necessary to return the amounts, within 60 (sixty) days, EasyTravel Shop, if activated, will convert these amounts into credits for use on the website platform, website (mobile) and application .


2.8. If the User purchases a service and has not used it due to failure to show up at the scheduled time (in the case of a service with mandatory scheduling), without canceling it within 48 (forty-eight) hours before the scheduled date of use, EasyTravel Shop will not refund the product and/or service, as the service provider will no longer sell the reserved space to the absent buyer.




3.1. EasyTravel Shop services are only available to people who have the legal capacity to hire them. Therefore, they cannot be purchased by people who do not enjoy this capacity, including minors, or people who have been disqualified from using the products and/or services available on the EasyTravel Shop website, website (mobile) platform and application, whether temporarily or permanently.


3.2. Under no circumstances will the assignment, sale, rental or other form of transfer of the User's account be permitted. The maintenance of more than one registration by the same person will also not be permitted, or the creation of new registrations by people whose original registrations have been canceled due to violations of EasyTravel Shop policies. In all these cases, EasyTravel Shop reserves the right to delete all existing accounts of the offending User.


3.3. Only the registration of the User who fills in all the registration fields will be confirmed. The registration must be completed with accurate, precise and truthful information, assuming from now on the commitment to update personal data whenever any changes occur.


3.4. EasyTravel Shop is not responsible for the correction of personal data entered by its Users. Users guarantee and respond, in any case, to the veracity, accuracy and authenticity of the personal data registered.


3.5. EasyTravel Shop reserves the right to use all valid and possible means to identify its Users, as well as to request additional data and a valid identification document that it deems relevant, in order to verify the personal data provided.

3.6. If there is a need, for any reason, to check a User's registration data and it is found to be incorrect or untrue data, or even if the User fails or refuses to send the documents required for checking, EasyTravel Shop may cancel, definitively or not, the User's registration, without prejudice to other measures that it deems necessary and appropriate, at its discretion.


3.7. The User will access their account via email and password and undertakes not to inform third parties of this data, being fully responsible for the use made of them.


3.8. The User undertakes to inform EasyTravel Shop immediately, and through secure means, regarding any unauthorized use of their account, such as unauthorized access by third parties. The User will be solely responsible for the operations carried out on their account, since access to it will only be possible by entering the password, knowledge of which is exclusive to the User, being directly responsible for the integrity and confidentiality of their password.




4.1. The User is aware and agrees that the acquisition of the offer will take place through the provision of services from a company responsible for payment management, with independent administration from EasyTravel Shop, which is why the latter does not intervene in the results of the company responsible for payment management before the approval of purchases made to the User.


4.2. EasyTravel Shop cannot guarantee that the services provided by the company responsible for managing payments will operate free of errors, interruptions, malfunctions, delays or other imperfections. In case of any error or failure in the payment option, we will be at the User's disposal to attempt a solution with the credit administrator.


4.3. Easy Travel Shop products are paid in up to 10 installments, always respecting the minimum value per installment of R$5.00 (five reais).




5.1. EasyTravel Shop may carry out promotional campaigns that guarantee the User a discount on the purchase price, through promotional codes or other means. The regulations for such campaigns may be defined by both the Provider and EasyTravel Shop, as long as by mutual agreement, with the sole and exclusive intention of bringing advantages and benefits to the EasyTravel Shop User, and may be changed or terminated at any time.


5.2. With regard to campaigns, Easy Travel Shop is at the discretion of its consent to the rules defined by the Provider, among other points, namely: (1) Users who are eligible to participate/who may participate, (2) offers that are eligible to receive additional discounts/which offers are on sale, (3) specific rules for activating discounts, such as minimum purchase value and number of coupons, (4) discount value, (5) available number of promotional codes.




6.1. Easy Travel Shop may change, at any time, this Terms of Use, with a view to improving and improving the services provided. The new Terms of Use will come into force upon publication on the website, website (mobile) and application platforms. Within 24 (twenty-four) hours from the publication of the modifications, the User must communicate by email if they do not agree with the amended Terms of Use. In this case, the contractual relationship will cease to exist, as long as there are no outstanding accounts or debts in the User's name. If there is no manifestation within the stipulated period, it will be understood that the User has tacitly accepted the new Terms of Use and the contract will continue to be binding on the parties.


6.2. The changes will not be effective in relation to offers, commitments and acquisitions already initiated at the time the same changes are published. For these, the Terms of Use will be valid with the previous wording.




7.1 Easy Travel Shop will take all possible measures to maintain the confidentiality and security described in this clause, but will not be liable for losses that may arise from the violation of these measures by third parties using public networks or the internet, subverting the systems security measures to access User information.


7.2. To obtain more information about Easy Travel Shop's Privacy Policy, the User may access the link (hyperlink, that is, a word, text or image that, when clicked by the User, takes them to another page on the internet, which may contain other texts or images) “Privacy Policy” and/or obtain information through .




8.1. Users interested in the offers, products and/or services advertised by Easy Travel Shop must make purchases and pay during their period of stay on the Easy Travel Shop platform. The publication of the offer ends when the period defined by Easy Travel Shop has expired or when the quantity of the product and/or service offered and defined by the Provider has been exhausted.


8.2. The acquiring User, after expressing his/her opinion for the Acquisition of the Offer and/or Product and/or Service, undertakes to purchase in the event of its validation, as well as payment. The Purchase Offer is irrevocable, in accordance with articles 427 and 429 of the Civil Code, except in exceptional circumstances.


8.3. When purchasing the Offer through the website platform, website (mobile) or application, the User declares to be aware of the conditions for receipt and/or use of the product and/or service published and reproduced in the voucher.


8.4. Easy Travel Shop is not responsible for tax obligations arising from Users' activities on the website, website (mobile) and application platforms, as well as those of its Providers. As established by the relevant legislation in force, the User must require an invoice from the Provider in their transactions.


8.5. The User has the sole and exclusive responsibility for monitoring the expiration date of their voucher, as well as the conditions for using it.




9.1. The use of any device, software, or other resource that may interfere with the activities and operations of Easy Travel Shop, as well as publications of offers, products and/or services, descriptions, accounts or their databases, is not permitted. Any intrusion, attempt or activity that violates or contradicts the laws on intellectual property rights and/or the prohibitions stipulated in this Terms of Use, will make the person responsible subject to the relevant legal actions, as well as the sanctions provided for herein, and will also be responsible for compensation for any damage caused.




10.1. Without prejudice to other measures, Easy Travel Shop may warn, suspend or cancel, temporarily or definitively, a User's account at any time, and initiate applicable legal actions if: a) the User fails to comply with any provision of this Term of Use; b) fails to comply with its User duties; c) if you commit fraudulent or malicious acts; d) if the User's identity cannot be verified or any information provided by the User is incorrect; e) if Easy Travel Shop understands that the advertisements, evaluations or any attitude of the User have caused any damage to third parties and/or Easy Travel Shop itself or have the potential to do so. In cases where the User's registration is disabled, all active Offer Acquisitions will be automatically cancelled. Easy Travel Shop reserves the right, at any time and at its sole discretion, to request the sending of personal documentation.






11.1. In view of the impossibility of full and uninterrupted operation of any telecommunications or IT system, including due to dependence on telecommunications services provided by third parties, Easy Travel Shop does not guarantee the provision of the service in an uninterrupted manner and/or or is free from errors. Occasionally, the system may not be available for technical reasons or internet failures, or for any other fortuitous event or force majeure beyond the control of Easy Travel Shop.


11.2. Easy Travel Shop is not the owner or responsible for the quality of the products/services offered. Therefore, it does not intervene in the delivery of products or the provision of services, acting as an online .




12.1. The commercial use of the expression “Easy Travel Shop” and/or “ETS” as a brand, company name or domain name, as well as the contents of the screens relating to Easy Travel Shop services, as well as programs, databases, networks and files, which allow the User to access and use their account, are the property of Easy Travel Shop and are protected by international laws and treaties on copyright, trademarks, patents, models and industrial designs. Improper use and total or partial reproduction of said contents are prohibited, unless expressly authorized by Easy Travel Shop.


12.2. Easy Travel Shop will not be responsible for the content, practices and services offered on other websites and/or platforms that are not owned or operated by it, even if there is, for whatever reason, a link to them in the Easy Travel Shop application. The presence of links to other websites does not imply a relationship of partnership, supervision, complicity or solidarity on the part of Easy Travel Shop with these websites and their contents.




13.1. The User will indemnify Easy Travel Shop, its branches, controlled or controlling companies, directors, administrators, collaborators, representatives and employees for any demand promoted by other Users or third parties arising from their activities on the website or their breach of the Terms of Use or the violation of any law or third party rights, including attorneys' fees.


13.2. Notwithstanding the existence of this Terms of Use, the relationship between Easy Travel Shop and the User is governed by Brazilian laws, in particular the Consumer Protection Code.




14.1. Easy Travel Shop may collect information actively entered by the Holder at the time of contact or registration, and also information collected automatically when using the Services and the network, such as, for example, identification of the commercial establishment used, IP with date and time connection, cookies and others.

There are, therefore, the processing of two types of personal data: (a) those provided by the Holder himself; and (b) those collected automatically.

  • (a) Personal data provided by the Holder: Easy Travel Shop collects all personal data entered or actively forwarded by the Holder when contacting or accessing the Easy Travel Shop portals, such as full name, email, gender, date of birth, city and state, when filling out forms on the Services by the Holder, with the addition of other personal data actively provided by the Holder when contacting Easy Travel Shop. Regardless of what data the Holder actively provides to Easy Travel Shop, we will only use those that are effectively relevant and necessary to achieve the purposes declared on a case-by-case basis, as per the item below.
  • (b) Data collected automatically: Easy Travel Shop also collects a series of information automatically, such as: characteristics of the access device, browser, IP (with date and time), origin of the IP, information about clicks, pages accessed, search terms entered on our portals, among others. For such collection, Easy Travel Shop will use some standard technologies, such as cookies, pixel tags, beacons and local shared objects, which are used with the purpose of improving the Owner's browsing experience on the Services, in accordance with their habits and preferences.


14.2. It is possible to disable, through your internet browser settings, the automatic collection of information through some technologies, such as cookies and caches, as well as on our own website. However, the Owner must be aware that, if these technologies are disabled, some features offered by the website, which depend on the processing of said data, may not function correctly.

14.3. The Holder will be able to access, update and supplement their data, as well as request the deletion of their data collected by Easy Travel Shop, through the functions available on the Easy Travel Shop website, more specifically in the registration change, if the registration was made through website, or by the Data Protection Officer via the email address: . We will strive to respond to you in the shortest possible time, respecting the retention periods established by law.



14.4. Easy Travel Shop does not process, for the general purposes set out herein, data considered sensitive by Law No. 13,709/2018, understood as those related to racial or ethnic origin, religious conviction, political opinion, membership of a trade union or organization of a religious nature, philosophical or political data, data relating to health or sexual life, genetic or biometric data, provided that, in the remote and specific cases in which it is done, the treatment is based on specific terms previously made available to the Holders, upon their specific consent or based on express legal authorization.




15.1. The personal data processed by Easy Travel Shop has the predominant purpose of establishing a contractual relationship or the management, administration, provision, expansion and improvement of Services to the Holder, adapting them to their preferences and tastes, as well as creating new services and products to be offered to Holders.

15.2. Easy Travel Shop may centralize the personal data collected, which may be used in other Services related to all Easy Travel Shop brands, respecting the purposes set out herein and the Holder's consent, whenever required by law.

15.3. Easy Travel Shop, in some cases, may also process personal data when necessary to comply with legal or regulatory obligations.


15.4. Furthermore, Easy Travel Shop may also process personal data based on its legitimate interest, always within the limit of what is expected by the Holder, mainly taking into account the existing relationship with Easy Travel Shop (for example: hotel recommendations/ day use and/or related services at the destinations for which a ticket was purchased), and never to the detriment of your interests, rights and fundamental freedoms.

15.5. Additionally, the information collected may, with the Holder's consent, be used for advertising purposes, such as sending information about brands, products, promotions and discounts from Easy Travel Shop, as well as publicizing events or carrying out research. related to its activities.


15.6. If you no longer wish to receive advertising information from Easy Travel Shop, at any time the Holder can contact Easy Travel Shop to change their registration, within the Easy Travel Shop channels, also by sending an email to: contato@ .




16.1. Easy Travel Shop works in partnership with some companies in Brazil and abroad. In this way, you may share the information collected through the pages or by contacting the Owners, in the following cases:

  • With other Companies from the Easy Travel Shop Group, incorporated or operating in any country, which undertake to use the information for the same purposes indicated in this Policy;
  • With partner companies and suppliers, in the development of Services aimed at the Holder;
  • With authorities, government entities or other third parties, to protect the interests of Easy Travel Shop in any type of conflict, including legal actions and administrative proceedings;
  • In the case of transactions and corporate changes involving Easy Travel Shop, in which case the transfer of information will be necessary for the continuity of services; or,
  • By court order or at the request of administrative authorities that have legal competence to request it.


16.2. Additionally, it is possible that some of the transfers indicated above take place outside Brazil, notably to the countries in which Easy Travel Shop operates, in which case Easy Travel Shop undertakes to do so only to countries that provide a degree of data protection. personnel in accordance with applicable law; or through the use of guarantees and safeguards such as specific clauses, standard clauses, global corporate standards, among others; as well as upon the specific consent of the Holder or compliance with other hypotheses authorized by law.




17.1. Easy Travel Shop uses reasonable market and legally required means to preserve the privacy of the personal data it collects. In this way, it adopts several precautions, in compliance with the guidelines on security standards established in Decree nº 8,771/2016 (Regulates Law nº 12,965, of April 23, 2014, to deal with the admitted hypotheses of discrimination of data packages on the internet and of traffic degradation, indicate procedures for storing and protecting data by connection and application providers, point out transparency measures in the request of registration data by the public administration and establish parameters for inspection and investigation of infractions), as well as complying with standardized precepts by Law 13,709/18 (General Personal Data Protection Law), such as:

  • Easy Travel Shop uses standard and market methods to encrypt and anonymize the data collected;
  • Easy Travel Shop has protection against unauthorized access to its systems;
  • Easy Travel Shop only authorizes access by previously established people to the location where the collected information is stored;
  • Those who come into contact with personal data must undertake to maintain absolute confidentiality. Breach of confidentiality will result in civil liability and the person responsible will be held responsible in accordance with Brazilian legislation; and
  • Maintenance of the inventory indicating time, duration, identity of the employee, or person responsible for access and the object file, based on connection and access records to applications, as determined in article 13 of Decree No. 8,771/2016.


17.2. In addition to technical efforts, Easy Travel Shop also adopts institutional measures aimed at protecting personal data, so that it maintains a privacy governance program applied to its activities and governance structure, constantly updated.

Although Decree No. 8,771/2016 adopts the best efforts to preserve the privacy and protect Data Holders' data, no transmission of information is completely secure, so Decree No. 8,771/2016 cannot fully guarantee that all information it receives or sends are not subject to unauthorized access perpetrated through methods designed to improperly obtain information. For this reason, we encourage Holders to take appropriate measures to protect themselves, such as, for example, keeping all Holder names and passwords confidential, understanding that such information is personal, non-transferable, and the sole responsibility of the Holders.




18.1. In order to protect the privacy of the Holders, personal data processed by Decree No. 8,771/2016 will be automatically eliminated when they are no longer useful for the purposes for which they were collected, or when the Holder requests their deletion, unless their maintenance is expressly authorized by law or applicable regulation or, even, within the statute of limitations defined by law for cases involving the filing of any legal actions.

However, the information may be kept to comply with legal or regulatory obligations, transfer to a third party – as long as data processing requirements are respected – and exclusive use of Decree No. 8,771/2016, including for the exercise of your rights in legal proceedings or administrative.




19.1. In compliance with applicable regulations, with regard to the processing of personal data, Decree No. 8,771/2016 respects and guarantees the Holder the possibility of submitting requests based on the following rights:

  • i) confirmation of the existence of treatment;
  • ii) access to data;
  • iii) correction of incomplete, inaccurate or outdated data;
  • iv) the anonymization, blocking or deletion of unnecessary, excessive or non-compliant data;
  • v) the portability of your data to another service or product provider, upon express request by the Holder;
  • vi) the deletion of data processed with the Holder’s consent;
  • vii) obtaining information about the public or private entities with which Easy Travel Shop shared its data;
  • viii) information about the possibility of not providing your consent, as well as being informed about the consequences, in case of refusal;
  • ix) revocation of consent.


19.2. Part of these rights may be exercised directly by the Holder, through the management of information about their account, while another part will depend on sending a request to our Data Protection Officer via the email address: br for subsequent evaluation and adoption of other measures by Decree No. 8,771/2016.


19.3. The Holder is aware that the deletion of essential information for managing their account with Easy Travel Shop will result in the termination of their registration, with consequent cancellation of the services then provided.

19.4. Easy Travel Shop will make every effort to fulfill such requests in the shortest possible time, however, justifiable factors, such as the complexity of the requested action, may delay or prevent rapid fulfillment.

19.5. Finally, the Holder must be aware that their request may be legally rejected, whether for formal reasons (such as their inability to prove their identity) or legal reasons (such as the request for deletion of data whose maintenance is a free exercise of rights by the Easy Travel Shop).




20.1. This contract will be governed by the legislation of the Federative Republic of Brazil. Its text must be interpreted in the Portuguese language and internet users/users who browse the website, website (mobile) and application platform will submit to the Court of the District of Barueri/SP.